The inconsistency of man
So a few months ago I was crying about Haiti feeling this need to do something, this need to show that I care, this need to primarily make myself feel better about a situation I had absolutely no control over. Months have passed I go around live my life and Haiti almost seems like a thing of the past. Don’t misunderstand me I wanted to help Haiti but in the end how does one reconstruct a nation unless you decide to become part of it and since I wasn’t making the decision to leave all I knew to go over to Haiti (although I did consider it) and actually do something then what difference did I really want to make. It’s weird because one day I couldn’t sleep thinking about the devastation and the next week I was sleeping like a baby disillusioned that somehow I was doing all that I could and that others were helping and that had to be enough. *sigh*
I find this to be the odd thing about human behaviour and situations such as this. Once we hear about the plight of others we sympathise, at times empathise and then we sleep easy and forget! Why you may ask? Because emotionally we feel we have given enough. I don’t know if that makes us fickle or just me fickle- but I do believe to a great extent what you do, where you stand and what you chose to stand for defines you. Like they say it is not what you say you will do that matters - it is what you actually do- and hey I guess if you do nothing you don’t feel like you have much to do and that’s cool. Me on the other hand I have lots to do so I’m out – Like I said in the beginning “THE WORLDS WORST BLOGGER”