Hi People,
C.R.E.A.T.I.V. needs your help!!!! Due to all the plans we have for this year we need more hands, legs, bodies, lips.... you name it, if it is a body part we need it!!!!
So you know who we are, and what we are about, but if you have more questions and you would like to work with/in a fundraising organisation email us on c.r.e.a.t.i.v.afr@gmail.com.
p.s. You do not have to be a creative genius, or a charity guru, or even live in London... whatever skills you have or do not have, as long as you have heart and a good work ethic, we would love to hear from you.
Have an amazing day, and email us or drop us a message on fb (http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?ref=name&id=500139460#/group.php?gid=62005819140&ref=ts) TODAY!!!!
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